Aaron and Ruby Hedin travel the world sharing the Father’s heart through healing, miracles, and the prophetic. They are international speakers as well as authors. They continue to see hundreds of healings and miracles through their ministry nationally and internationally. Through them the Lord has opened deaf ears, healed the paralyzed, instantaneously healed broken bones, grown legs several inches, healed bulging discs, arthritis, kidney failure, neuropathy, seizures, barrenness, cancer, set the captives free, brought people to the saving knowledge of Christ, and many more. They are credentialed ministers and have been ministering to people for over 25 years.

Their hearts are to teach people to understand the Father’s heart, who we are in Christ, the authority we carry, how to believe for the impossible, walk in freedom and to transform daily into Christ’s likeness. They have trained leaders to operate in healing, deliverance, miracles and the prophetic. They speak at conferences and offer trainings and workshops for operating in healings and miracles, spiritual warfare, seeing in the spirit and marriage workshops. Ruby is a licensed counselor so they also do trainings to do trauma healing by inviting Holy Spirit to heal the trauma. They do Holy Spirit baptism seminars where they’ve seen 100% of the people get filled.

One of their great pleasures is teaching people about the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and they have helped hundreds receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Aaron has a gift to teach God’s Word in a way that brings revelation and answers questions that individuals have always had. Through their non profit ministry, Transforming Daily, they share the power of God’s Word and the expression of His love through supernatural manifestations of His Spirit.

They love seeing the power of the Holy Spirit moving in the lives of people. Their burning desire is to inspire child-like faith not only in little ones but in adults as well. Together they wrote the children’s book, “Micah and the Case of Feilebnu,” which is about having faith and the simplicity of believing for your healing. The book was inspired by a message that the Lord gave to Aaron, called “The Three Phases of Faith,” and that can be found on their website or their youtube channel.

Aaron and Ruby travel globally with their two children Micah, age 8, and Ammeyla, age 5. They quit their jobs and stepped into full time ministry to follow the call and gave it all up. They live by faith and trust God as their provider. When they are not traveling, their ministry base is in Tulsa, Oklahoma.