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Prophetic Word 9-25-2024

I want to talk to you about nuclear weapons. About explosions over L.A. I want to talk to you about destruction planned for your harbors. Over attacks at your ports. There is coming a wave. A tsunami of destruction. It isn’t fitted for just America though it will yield it’s great fruit there. It’s an evil wave. A plague of destruction. You need to hear this. My path isn’t for the ordinary. It’s for those who desire me. It’s not for the outsiders but those who chose to go deeper with me. Destruction will come upon this nation. There will be a fall. There will be a downturn. Many will suffer. Many will face disease. I didn’t do this. A pandemic will be light compared to this plague coming. The destruction planned is to destroy the US and stop her future.

But, I hold her future in my hands. Men have planned to ravage this land and stop her forward progression. But I will assure you – men cannot stop what I have planned. I will use the US in the coming days to stop all-out war. I will use the US to stop disease from spreading around the globe. I will use the US and bring her to her knees in humility.

There isn’t a day coming like man believes. A day of joy and outbreak. A day of celebrations. No, there is only a hard path ahead. The days of celebration are in the past. Many are the hard days ahead. Israel will be no more as she currently is. America will fall and be no mote as she currently is. These nations – like a bride to me. Betrothed to me – they will find refuge in me. But, the cost, son. The cost. The cost is bloody.

You think I have come to try men’s hearts in this? No, men’s wickedness is what has done this. I have come to rescue and save America from her own planned destruction. Careful planning has gone into the downfall of your world. Wicked evil men have sought to consume America. I will not allow it. Yes, America will falter. Yes, she will come apart at the seems. But, oh no – she will not be finished altogether. I will rebuild her with my righteousness. I will rebuild her with my hands. I will sustain her as I propagate my agenda around the globe.

(Father, when will these things be?)

October is not a month to celebrate in. You will see much vanquish. Much of the joy will be stolen in this country. Much of the peoples hope will be stolen. A champion they will cry. A champion but none will come forth. A man will fall and not rise. A woman who cheats and steals will destroy many. A destruction will come upon the land and many who sought to run from it will be forced to face it.

These are the harvest days ahead. They are days of a new beginning and days of a new world order. Men have planned for these days and sought to being peace and chaos both. They sought to destroy the farms and livestock. Destroy the harvest fields and crops. Sought to burn down the cattle and destroy the livestock. Men have slaughtered unnecessarily and sought revenge. Wicked men and wicked plans have been wrought against this nation.

There is hope though. There is. I have not forsaken America. I have not forsaken my praying saints. I have not left them defenseless. I have not left my chosen. My elect.

(Lord, what are the signs we can expect to see?)

Signs, many are the signs.
1. Look for fog and chaos of war. Look for confusions in political arenas and shaking and quaking of men in positions of power. You will see great distrust in this. Great failures – morally, yes, but more, you will see great downfalls of kings and leaders. Like dominoes they shall fall. One by one will fall as a plan has been enacted against them.
2. A trust shall come apart. A man’s trust with his bank will split. Banking will change and men will not know how to handle the change. Control and more control. Destruction of wealth and a real reversal of fortunes. This must play out before the nest phase of their attack.
3. Men will falter in their gambles and they will choose foolish allies. They will launch their attacks and nukes will be detonated in the Earth and in the atmosphere. Men’s hearts will fail with fear – from fear a great power shift will come. This is necessary as well for their plans.
4. An abomination will rise. A 4 headed abomination will come forth. A creature of unnatural stirrings and passions without restraint. A chimera of sorts will arise and deceive many. (I sensed like a hydra. Not in looks but rather in function.) You will see it rise up and take notice. Men will wonder if it’s their savior or destroyer. Men will choose sides and it will only get worse.
5. Don’t think the end is near for it is not. These are but stages of an attack. Plans of an enemy at work. Now, you will see a global shift in population control and reduction of population.
6. Destruction and chaos will reign from the skies. Meteor showers, flowers of death (death blooms), chaos from above coming down below. (man will say) Where will man’s help come from? Where will our savior arise from?Watch for this ruler to take sides and make parties. Watch as this one chooses death after death in the name of peace. Many will fall by the wayside during this time. Many will falter. Much will fail. America’s rebirth is still not at hand.
7. Winds howling from the North will bring artic temperatures down. Seasons of change and diving winds they will say. Men will cry out and rebuke the god of heaven and cry against the god of all creation. Men will choose to reject God and say (that) this abomination is not of him(God). They will say this savior (this ruler) is me and that this savior will set man free.

Look for these signs. Don’t tread lightly. Don’t walk cautiously. You must proclaim my gospel to the ends of the Earth. You must choose my paths if you want to see the world saved. Men must honor me to see this destruction relent. Man has to call out to me if they want to avoid such destruction. Without a great humility – there will be great downfall.

(Lord, is there a great awakening happening?)

Men will awaken to the realities of the spiritual realm. Most will reject me. Most will declare me no good. Most will walk away. A remnant – that is what I will save. A remnant – those are the ones I can rescue. Man’s wholehearted rejection of me is causing great destruction to plague the Earth.

(How does this factor into the plans for me to receive great deposits of wealth to preach the gospel with?)

Oh, men and money. Men and money is an old tune. I will provide and sustain you. I will abundantly overflow you. You will have more than enough. Men will fail me all over the Earth, but the resources are all mine and at my disposal. I will ensure your success on the path of pursing me. I will ensure you are well taken care of. I will give you rest.

(Is there a date or event on the calendar I should take notice of?)

October 7th is an anniversary coming up is it not?

(Yes, Lord – one year from the start of these attacks.)

Look for change to come and an uptick in destruction. Expect an overwhelming force and destructive elements to pursue and seek revenge on Israel. Expect my evangelists to take heart and share the good news and for many to lose their lives in the first round of attacks. These are all coming soon. Expect more death. For loss after loss will hit your nation. It will not sustain men. It will cause uncertainty. Then – if men don’t pray – they will be consumed with fear and grief. The enemy’s truest plans will overcome.

(What can you tell me of the election? Or have you already made it clear? Can it be made more clear for me?)

What do you want to know? Trump in office? No. Trump will not sit in that chair. Man will not allow it. Much chaos will ensue and peacemakers will become bombs and politicians will become liars. Men of good report will become backstabbers and you will see great heartache coming in the nation.

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